Boxes come in two styles default and semantic
Default styles have the following behaviours:
Box styles can either be applied through classes or data attributes. In the event you'd need, for any given component, an elevation context stripped of any predefined spacings or interaction, use data attributes.
First you need to describe which type of wrapper you need to form an elevation context. For boxes, use : [data-scope-wrapper="box"]
The available types for now are:
<!-- Flat -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Flat Bordered -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxBordered">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Sunken -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxSunken">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Raised -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg sds-scaleInteraction">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Overlaid -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg sds-scaleInteraction">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Highlight -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxHighlight">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Highlight Outline -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxHighlight -boxOutline">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Warning -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxWarning">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Warning Outline -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxWarning -boxOutline">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Danger -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxDanger">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Danger Outline -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxDanger -boxOutline">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Success -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxSuccess">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Success Outline -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxSuccess -boxOutline">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<!-- Neutral Outline -->
<div class="sds-box -boxInsetLg -boxNeutral -boxOutline">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>
<div class="{{ namespace }}box{% for mod in modifiers %} {{ mod }}{% endfor %}{% for mod in classes %} {{ mod }}{% endfor %}">
<p>This is a short box text to illustrate how it changes based on the box's background.</p>