The sds-scaleInteraction defines the background scale on interaction with the component.
The data-sds-move-with-shadow attribute defines the animation og the child element sticking to the scaled shape's edge.
Should the component not be interacted with, remove sds-scaleInteraction and replace it with sds-boxShadowActive. Remove the data attribute on any children that have it.
Classes for various variants include:
<article class="sds-product sds-box sds-scaleInteraction -insetLg">
<div class="sds-product__inner sds-stackXl">
<div class="sds-product__mainContent">
<div class="sds-product__imgWrapper -noTranslate">
<img src="" alt="">
<div class="sds-stackLg">
<div class="sds-product__header">
<div class="sds-product__meta sds-textHelperSmall">La classique</div>
<div class="sds-product__headerBtnGroup sds-btnGroup -wrap justify-content-end">
<span class="sds-badge badge -badgeHighlight -badgeMuted">
<div class="sds-stackXs">
<h3 class="h3">Prêt personnel</h3>
<p class="sds-product__description">Empruntez au meilleur taux pour financer vos dépenses importantes</p>
<ul class="sds-list -checkIcon -checkIconAlt">
<li class="sds-list__disabled">
<span class="sr-only">N'est pas disponible:</span>
<div class="sds-product__meta sds-textHelperSmall sds-exceptionStackLg">*sous réserve d'acceptation du dossier</div>
<footer class="sds-product__footer sds-stackLg">
<div class="sds-box -insetLg sds-box__outOfBoundsMd -boxSunken">
<div class="sds-stackXl">
<div class="row row-xs align-items-baseline no-bottom-gutter flex-nowrap">
<div class="col">
<div class="sds-label">
Prix par mois
<div class="col-auto text-right">
<div class="sds-colorInherit h1">9,50 €</div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<a href="" class="sds-btn -btnPrimary stretched-link">
<span class="sds-btn__text">Faire une demande</span>
<span class="sds-icon sds-icon-arrownext"></span>
<p class="sds-staticExceptionStackMd sds-product__meta text-center sds-textHelper">Gratuit les 6 premiers mois</p>
<div class="sds-aboveClickArea text-center">
<a href="" class="sds-btn -btnSecondary -btnInverse">
<span class="sds-icon sds-icon-download"></span>
<span class="sds-btn__text">Consulter le dépliant</span>
{% extends "@spk-product-frame" %}
{% block header %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}product__imgWrapper -noTranslate">
<img src="{{ imgSmall }}" alt="">
<div class="{{ namespace }}stackLg">
<div class="{{ namespace }}product__header">
<div class="{{ namespace }}product__meta {{ namespace }}textHelperSmall">{{ meta }}</div>
<div class="{{ namespace }}product__headerBtnGroup {{ namespace }}btnGroup -wrap justify-content-end">
{% render "@badge--highlight-muted" %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}stackXs">
<h3 class="h3">{{ title }}</h3>
<p class="{{ namespace }}product__description">{{ text }}</p>
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% render "@list--checked-alt-disabled" %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}product__meta {{ namespace }}textHelperSmall {{ namespace }}exceptionStackLg">*sous réserve d'acceptation du dossier</div>
{% endblock %}
{% block footer %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}box -insetLg {{ namespace }}box__outOfBoundsMd -boxSunken">
<div class="{{ namespace }}stackXl">
<div class="row row-xs align-items-baseline no-bottom-gutter flex-nowrap">
<div class="col">
{% render "@label",{
eltType: "div",
text: "Prix par mois"
},true %}
<div class="col-auto text-right">
<div class="{{ namespace }}colorInherit h1">9,50 €</div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
{% render "@btn-primary--icon-right",{
eltType: "a",
classes: ["stretched-link"],
text: "Faire une demande",
icon: "icon-arrownext"
},true %}
<p class="{{ namespace }}staticExceptionStackMd {{ namespace }}product__meta text-center {{ namespace }}textHelper">Gratuit les 6 premiers mois</p>
<div class="{{ namespace }}aboveClickArea text-center">
{% render "@btn-secondary-inverse--icon-left",{
eltType: "a",
text: "Consulter le dépliant",
icon: "icon-download"
},true %}
{% endblock %}