To activate the dark-theme functionality you will have to:
, located at the root of the project, find fractal.set('darktheme', false);
and set it to true.assets/css/framework/_custom-variables.scss
, find the $enable-dark-theme variable and set it to true.
Dark Theme
Activate or deactivate dark theme mode for component templates
inactive by default
fractal.set('darktheme', false);
Project theme(s)
fractal.set('theme', {
'Light Theme': 'light-theme',
'Dark Theme':'dark-theme'
to apply color to elements.
// replace this
color: map-deep-get($token-color-brand-map,"primary","100");
//with this
@include customPropColorFallback("color", primary-100, other-fallback-variable-for-dark-theme);
folder and use the _dark and _light mixins to define your theme dependent custom properties.