Add the classes below to the lease offer item in order to:
<article class="sds-leaseOffer sds-box -insetLg sds-scaleInteraction">
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__inner">
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__miscInfo">
<img src="../../media/spuerkeess-site/components/lease-offer/opel-sign.png" class="sds-leaseOffer__brand" />
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__badgeContainer row row-xs">
<div class="col-auto">
<span class="sds-badge badge -badgeSuccess -badgeMuted">
Prime écologique incluse
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__header sds-stackXs">
<h3 class="h3">Jeep Avenger Longitude BEV</h3>
<p>Electrique - Automatique</p>
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__optionsZone">
<div class="sds-box__outOfBoundsLg">
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__imgWrapper">
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__imgWrapperInner">
<img class="sds-leaseOffer__img img-fluid" src="" alt="">
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__configOptions">
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__configLabel">
Disponible en:
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__configColors">
<span class="sds-colorOption -small" style="background-color: #000000"></span>
<span class="sds-colorOption -small" style="background-color: #E8DC85"></span>
<span class="sds-colorOption -small" style="background-color: #B3B3B2"></span>
<span class="sds-colorOption -small" style="background-color: #22AA77"></span>
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__priceArea sds-stackXs">
<div class="d-flex align-items-baseline flex-wrap">
<div class="sds-amount sds-leaseOffer__price h1">
<div class="sds-amount__body">
<span class="sds-amount__value">563,00</span>
<span class="sds-amount__currency">€</span>
<span class="sds-leaseOffer__priceMisc">TVA incluse</span>
<p class="sds-disclaimer">
par mois pour un leasing sur 5 ans et 10.000 km/an
<div class="sds-label sds-leaseOffer__highlightMessage -highlight">
Délai de livraison : 6 mois
<button type="button" class="sds-infoDot sds-label__infoDot -small" data-trigger="focus" data-container="body" data-placement="" data-toggle="popover" title="Popover title" data-content="Le détail de la / des transactions (bénéficiaire et communication) sera masqué dans les mouvements des transactions (sur S-Net Pro et dans les extraits de compte)">
<span class="sds-icon sds-icon-infocirclefill"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Show more info</span>
<a href="" class="sds-leaseOffer__action">
<div class="sds-leaseOffer__actionInner">
<span class="sds-btn -btnPrimary">
<span class="sds-btn__text">Configurer</span>
{% if highlight %}
<section class="{{ namespace }}section -sectionSunken -leaseOfferWrapper">
<div class="{{ namespace }}section__innerWrapper">
<div class="{{ namespace }}section__inner">
<div class="container">
{% endif %}
<article class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer {{ namespace }}box -insetLg {% for mod in modifiers %} {{ mod }}{% endfor %}{% for mod in classes %} {{ mod }}{% endfor %}">
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__inner">
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__miscInfo">
<img src="{{ (mediaPath + brand) | path }}" class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__brand"/>
{% if prime or deliveryDelay %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__badgeContainer row row-xs">
{% if prime %}
<div class="col-auto">
{% render "@badge--success-muted",{
text: "Prime écologique incluse"
},true %}
{% endif %}
{% if deliveryDelay %}
<div class="col-auto">
{% render "@badge--info-muted",{
text: "Délai de livraison: 6 mois"
},true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__header {{ namespace }}stackXs">
{% if highlight %}
{% render "@heading--h2-subtext",{
text: title,
subText: subTitle
},true %}
{% else %}
<h3 class="h3">{{ title }}</h3>
<p>{{ subTitle }}</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__optionsZone">
<div class="{{ namespace }}box__outOfBoundsLg">
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__imgWrapper">
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__imgWrapperInner">
{% if highlight %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__plus">
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<stop offset="1" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0"/>
{% endif %}
<img class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__img img-fluid" src="{{ carImg }}" alt="">
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__configOptions">
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__configLabel">
Disponible en:
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__configColors">
{% for key, colorItem in colorOptions %}
{% render "@color-option--small", {
background: colorItem.background
}, true %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__priceArea {{ namespace }}stackXs">
<div class="d-flex align-items-baseline flex-wrap">
{% render "@amount-body",{
classes: [namespace+"leaseOffer__price", "h1"],
text: price
},true %}
<span class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__priceMisc">TVA incluse</span>
{% render "@disclaimer", {
modifiers: [],
text: "par mois pour un leasing sur 5 ans et 10.000 km/an"
},true %}
{% if deliveryDelayInfo %}
{% render "@label--info-dot", {
modifiers: [],
classes: [namespace + "leaseOffer__highlightMessage", "-highlight"],
eltType: ["div"],
text: "Délai de livraison : 6 mois"
},true %}
{% endif %}
<a href="" class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__action">
<div class="{{ namespace }}leaseOffer__actionInner">
{% render "@btn-primary", {
eltType: "span",
text: "Configurer"
}, true %}
{% if highlight %}
{% endif %}
@use "sass:math";
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/* variables specific to current element */
$img-aspect-ratio: list.slash(16,10);
$img-max-height: 625px;
.#{$namespace}leaseOffer {
/* Save root element context for easy access if nesting is needed */
$self: &;
/* properties of current element + media queries */
position: relative;
z-index: z("zero");
/* Pseudo Elements */
&::before {
&::after {
Include elements that are linked to the current element but have to reside at the root level of the stylesheet
(e.g: keyframes)
@at-root {
/* children - write selector in full in comments in order to facilitate search */
&__inner {
height: 100%;
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object-position: center;
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display: flex;
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gap: map-deep-get($token-spacer-grid-map, "xs")
&__img {
aspect-ratio: $img-aspect-ratio;
display: block;
margin: auto;
&__configOptions {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@include spacer-component-inline("md")
&__configColors {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
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&__priceArea {
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@include media-breakpoint-up("lg") {
padding-bottom: map-deep-get($token-spacer-inset-map, "lg");
// leaseOffer__price
&__price {
// follows same logic as parent
@include custom-prop-fallback("color", "sys-color-text-primary-vivid",true,true);
&__price {
margin-right: map-deep-get($token-spacer-inline-map, "md");
&__highlightMessage {
@include spacer-component-stack-exception("xl");
order: 10;
&__badgeContainer {
justify-content: flex-end;
margin-bottom: -(map-deep-get($token-spacer-stack-max-map, "xs")) !important;
> * {
padding-left: map-deep-get($token-spacer-inset-map, "xs") !important;
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height: 0;
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@extend .stretched-link;
&:focus {
@media (hover: hover) {
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transform: translateY(-90px);
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opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(-100%);
transition: opacity 0.15s linear, transform 0.15s ease-out;
position: relative;
z-index: z("low");
&__miscInfo {
order: 1;
&__header {
order: 2;
&__optionsZone {
order: 3;
&__priceArea {
order: 5;
&__highlightMessage {
order: 6;
&__action {
order: 4;
/* modifiers */
// leaseOffer -highlight
&.-highlight {
// follows same logic as base element
position: relative;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 0;
#{$self}__imgWrapperInner {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
#{$self}__plus {
flex-shrink: 0;
position: absolute;
z-index: z("negative");
bottom: 55%;
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padding-left: map-deep-get($token-spacer-inset-map, "lg");
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overflow: visible;
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width: 25%;
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width: 40%;
max-width: 314px;
bottom: 58%;
right: 0;
@include media-breakpoint-up("xl"){
bottom: 65%;
#{$self}__plusSvg {
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height: map-deep-get($token-sizes-unit-map, "96");
@media screen and (min-width: 400px) {
max-width: 100%;
width: auto;
height: auto;
#{$self}__plusSvgColor {
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#{$self}__imgWrapper {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
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position: relative;
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justify-content: space-between;
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content: "";
aspect-ratio: $img-aspect-ratio;
max-height: $img-max-height;
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width: auto;
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flex-shrink: 0;
#{$self}__inner {
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position: static;
#{$self}__badgeContainer {
position: absolute;
z-index: z("low");
top: 0;
left: $grid-gutter-width*0.5;
@include make-col((12-8));
padding: 0;
justify-content: flex-start;
#{$self}__imgWrapper {
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top: 50%;
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width: 100%;
max-height: $img-max-height;
#{$self}__img {
transform: translateY(10%);
max-height: 100%;
#{$self}__action {
height: auto;
opacity: 1;
margin-left: 0;
order: 5;
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&::after {
//content: none;
#{$self}__actionInner {
opacity: 1;
padding: 0;
box-shadow: none;
transform: none !important;
&.-imageEnd {
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flex-direction: row-reverse;
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left: auto;
right: 0;
#{$self}__plus {
left: 0;
right: auto;
#{$self}__badgeContainer {
left: auto;
right: $grid-gutter-width*0.5;
justify-content: flex-end;
&.-plusSecondary {
#{$self}__plusSvgColor {
@include custom-prop-fallback("fill", "sys-color-text-primary-vivid",true,true);
&.-custom {
#{$self}__inner {
justify-content: center;
#{$self}__optionsZone {
order: 0
/* random parent element */
* Syntax : .randomParentElt & {}
/* Pseudo Classes */
&:hover {
@media (hover: hover) {
#{$self}__actionInner {
opacity: 1;
transform: translateY(-175%);
&:focus {
&:active {
&:active {