Has to be paired with a dropdown toggle button for activation.
Place inside parent element with dropdown class. Refer to documentation for structure
If dropdown shouldn't close on interaction, add JS to prevent it from closing on click inside. Like this possible solution. (See accepted answer)
<div aria-labelledby="" class="sds-actionMenu dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
<a href="" class="sds-actionMenu__item dropdown-item">
<span class="sds-iconCircle -secondary10" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="sds-icon sds-icon-edit"></span>
<a href="" class="sds-actionMenu__item dropdown-item">
<span class="sds-iconCircle -secondary10" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="sds-icon sds-icon-infocircleborder"></span>
<a href="" class="sds-actionMenu__item dropdown-item">
<span class="sds-iconCircle -secondary10" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="sds-icon sds-icon-tablesetup"></span>
<span>Modification limite</span>
<a href="" class="sds-actionMenu__item dropdown-item">
<span class="sds-iconCircle -secondary10" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="sds-icon sds-icon-gear"></span>
<span>Paramètres de paiement</span>
<div aria-labelledby="{{ parentID }}" class="{{ namespace }}actionMenu dropdown-menu{% for mod in modifiers %} {{ mod }}{% endfor %}{% for mod in classes %} {{ mod }}{% endfor %}">
{% for key, item in actionMenuItems %}
{% if item %}
{% if item.button %}
<button type="button" class="{{ namespace }}actionMenu__item dropdown-item"{% for attrKey, attr in item.button.attrs %} {{ attrKey }}="{{ attr }}"{% endfor %}>
{% render "@icon-circle-regular--secondary-10",{icon: item.icon},true %}
<span>{{ item.text }}</span>
{% else %}
<a href="" class="{{ namespace }}actionMenu__item dropdown-item">
{% render "@icon-circle-regular--secondary-10",{icon: item.icon},true %}
<span>{{ item.text }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if item.divider %}
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
/* variables specific to current element */
$element-specific-variables: "";
.#{$namespace}actionMenu {
/* Save root element context for easy access if nesting is needed */
$self: &;
/* properties of current element + media queries */
width: 320px;
max-width: max-content;
min-width: 0;
top: calc(100% + #{map-deep-get($token-spacer-unit-map, "8")});
/* Pseudo Elements */
&::before {
&::after {
Include elements that are linked to the current element but have to reside at the root level of the stylesheet
(e.g: keyframes)
@at-root {
/* children - write selector in full in comments in order to facilitate search */
// actionMenu__childElement
&__item {
// follows same logic as parent
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@include spacer-component-inline("sm");
font-size: map-deep-get($token-font-size-map, "body", "s");
font-weight: map-deep-get($token-font-weight-map, "semi-bold");
@include custom-prop-fallback("color","comp-dropdown-link-text-color");
@include hover-focus() {
@include custom-prop-fallback("color","comp-dropdown-link-text-color");
@include custom-prop-fallback("background-color","comp-dropdown-link-hovered-background-color");
text-decoration: none;
&:active {
color: $dropdown-link-active-color;
text-decoration: none;
@include gradient-bg($dropdown-link-active-bg);
&:disabled {
color: $dropdown-link-disabled-color;
pointer-events: none;
background-color: transparent;
// Remove CSS gradients if they're enabled
@if $enable-gradients {
background-image: none;
&:focus-visible {
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: map-deep-get($design-tokens, "comp-button-pressed-border-width");
@include custom-prop-fallback("outline-color", "comp-dropdown-link-text-color", true, true);
&__filter {
margin-top: map-deep-get($token-spacer-stack-max-map, "sm");
&__energyItem {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@include spacer-component-inline("md");
cursor: pointer;
&__yearSelect {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: $dropdown-item-padding-y $dropdown-item-padding-x;
[class*="icon"] {
transition: transform 0.15s linear;
&[aria-expanded="true"] {
[class*="icon"] {
transform: rotate(180deg);
/* modifiers */
// actionMenu -positionTriggerTop
&.-positionTriggerTop {
// follows same logic as base element
top: -($input-padding-y * 3);
// actionMenu -transparentFrame
&.-transparentFrame {
// follows same logic as base element
background-color: transparent;
box-shadow: none;
padding: 0;
&.-scrollHeightMd {
max-height: 400px;
/* random parent element */
* Syntax : .randomParentElt & {}
/* Pseudo Classes */
&:hover {
@media (hover: hover) {
&:focus {
&:active {
&:active {