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                                                                        Jeudi 01.01
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									{% render "@heading--h2-subtext",{
										text: "Accroître la performance énergétique",
										subText: "Le potentiel solaire et la pompe à chaleur"
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														text: "Date"
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															Jeudi 01.01
												<td class="">
													{% render "@label",{
														eltType: "div",
														text: "Heure"
													},true %}
												<td class="">
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															20h00 - 23h00
												<td class="">
													{% render "@label",{
														eltType: "div",
														text: "Lieu"
													},true %}
												<td class="">
													<div class="{{ namespace }}infoTable__cellContent">
														<div class="{{ namespace }}textBodyLg {{ namespace }}textSemiBold">
															Liberté 19
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											<div class="col">
												<div class="{{ namespace }}staticStackXs">
													<div class="h4">2 places réservées</div>
													<p>Inscrivez-vous pour les bloquer</p>
											<div class="col-auto">
												<div class="{{ namespace }}textBodyXxl {{ namespace}}textSemiBold {{ namespace }}headingColor {{ namespace }}dangerColor">
									<div class="form-group-xl">
										{% render "@label--form-large", {
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											text: "Nom & prénom",
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											id: "subs-name",
											value: "Max Mustermann"
										},true %}
									<div class="form-group-xl">
										{% render "@label--form-large", {
											modifiers: ["-large", "-noBottomSpacing"],
											text: "Date de naissance",
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										}, true %}
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											id: "subs-date",
											placeholder: "JJ.MM.AAAA"
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											labelModifiers: ["-large", "-noBottomSpacing"],
											labelText: "Numéro de téléphone",
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											placeholder: "Numéro de téléphone"
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											placeholder: "E-mail",
											hint: {
												feedback: "Format attendu:"
										},true %}
									<div class="form-group-xl">
										{% render "@label--form-large", {
											modifiers: ["-large", "-noBottomSpacing"],
											text: "Autres participants",
											labelFor: "subs-others"
										}, true %}
										{% render "@input--shadow",{
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											value: "2",
											placeholder: "E-mail",
											valueType: "/2",
											hint: {
												feedback: "Nombre maximal de participants autorisé: 2"
										},true %}
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											text: "Envoyer",
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										{% render "@disclaimer--small",{
											text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc et eleifend orci. Nunc mollis lorem vitae leo molestie, in malesuada risus viverra. Phasellus ac ante eros. Fusce nunc enim, dictum et risus in, volutpat tincidunt nisl."
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{% block footer %}
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